
The Women in Nevada History Legacy Digital Project combines several research projects that spanned over twenty years. Visitors will find biographic information in text, image, audio, and video that fills in major gaps in the history of women’s participation in the development of the state.  Intentionally, a large portion of the material is of women in the southern part of the state and the Las Vegas Valley specifically.  This resource is intended for use by those teaching and learning about women’s activities in the state.

The text and images on these pages are under copyright by different repositories. Use without permission is an infringement of copyright.

The initial project brought faculty from the history department to collaborate with individuals in the UNLV library special collections department to produce the Nevada Women’s Archives. This collection of documents and photos provides manuscript resources for historians. After several years it became apparent that despite planning for collection diversity, additional measures were needed to achieve it.

The Las Vegas Women Oral History Project developed at a time (circa 1994) when a critical shortage of information on women’s lives existed and few oral history projects collected the narratives of women. The goal was to collect personal histories from women who were unlikely to leave manuscript resources, yet whose lives informed the wider narrative of Las Vegas’ development.

Initially a graduate student collaboration, it evolved into an extensive multi-focus collaboration between the History department and the Women’s Research Institute of Nevada. Faculty, graduate students, and community members all participated in collecting these narratives. The third project, which spanned four years, created three one-half hour televised programs called MAKERS: Women in Nevada History. A co-production of VegasPBS and the Women’s Research Institute of Nevada, the shows brought the research out of the archives and into the living rooms of Nevadans throughout the state.

On this website, visitors may find the entire collection accessible for browsing, research, and teaching.

The text and images on these pages are under copyright and permission for use must be given by those institutions.


Sponsors of all the projects include the Eleanor Kagi Foundation a Lynn M. Bennett Legacy, Nevada Humanities, UNLV Foundation, Emilie Wanderer, supporters of the Women’s Research Institute of Nevada, and the Las Vegas Centennial History Grant Program. For more information, contact Joanne Goodwin at joanne.goodwin@unlv.edu